Tag Archives: social work

Connecting With and Serving New Clients in COVID-19

Hosted by: Silas W. Kelly, LMSW, E-Journalism Social Work Advocate, Past NASW-NYS Board Member

Description: In this Chapter Chat, Silas talked about his experience working with Veterans and their families, particularly as he was just getting to know them when the Covid-19 “NY Pause” went into effect. Silas spoke about the challenges of trying to learn and master a new job position while at the same time learning a new EHR/EMR system. Silas also detailed the challenge of getting our Veterans and ourselves acclimated to Tele-Health video sessions. ⁠Originally aired in August 2020.

Accountability Gets a Bad Rap: But, what if we leaned into it?

Accountability gets a bad rap and is seen as a punishing or a “calling out” rather than an act of radical love and generosity. If we saw accountability as a way to better ourselves and each other, would it come more naturally?  In this historic moment of complex trauma that we are all living through, self-care can be a radical practice. The use of the word ‘radical’ is intentional because the act and embodiment of caring extends beyond the individual into the community. Join NASW-NYS with Dr. Laura Quiros to discuss how to positively disrupt systems of oppression through practicing empathic accountability as an act of self- and community-care.

Cancel Culture: A Discussion on the Realities of Racism in Social Work Education and Practice

Presented by: Leaders of NABSW, Melissa Smith Haley, MSW, LMSW, NABSW President; Daryl Fraser, LCSW; Gloria Scott, LCSW; L. Zakiya Newland, PhD, LCSW-R; and Dalphine E. Meadows, LMSW, MBA, CASAC-T

Description: Join us as a panel of leaders from the National Association of Black Social Workers, address the racial inequities in our profession. The National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW) is a 53-year old organization with a commitment to Black liberation. Our 77 chapters across the country, including the 6 chapters in NYS have a strong history of African-centered leadership, advocacy and service. Historical actions were taken by Black Social Workers to hold the profession accountable for addressing racial disparities, led to the establishment of NABSW. Since that moment in social work history, the organization has withstood attempts to cancel Black Social Work culture. Guided by self-determination and African-centered values and philosophies, NABSW remains a constant force in the quest for liberation in the personal, political and professional arenas.

Not Even Water: How to Observe Ramadan as a Non-Muslim

Presented by: Noshin Hoque, BSW & Afsha Malik, MSW

Description: This session is to dispel myths, educate, and assist non-Muslim social workers on how to support their Muslim peers and colleagues during the workday. Grounded in dignity and inclusivity, this chapter chat will discuss how you can create an inclusive work environment for your fellow Muslim social workers while they participate in their religious obligations. Join us in recognizing our Muslim brothers and sisters this Thursday, April 7th at 12 PM EST with Noshin Hoque, BSW, and Afsha Malik, MSW, and learn how you can support the Muslim social worker community this Ramadan.

The Future of Social Work: An Essential Chat with the NASW President

Presented by: Milderd ‘Mit’ Joyner, DPS, LCSW

Description: Social workers have continued to answer the call to service by contributing to the healing of our Nation during times of pandemic, racial unrest, economic uncertainty and political divisiveness in the past year. We know social workers have always been present in times of crisis, helping people overcome issues such as death and grief, helping communities recover from disaster, and many have worked to hold this Nation accountable to its proclaimed values by advocating for equal rights for all people. The 2021 Social Work Month Theme is ‘Social Workers are Essential’, but, what is essential for social workers, and our profession, in order to continue our work in overcoming present and future challenges? Join NASW President Mit Joyner and NASW-NYS as we discuss the future of social work, including how our Association and workforce must adapt and evolve for clients and clinicians in 2021, and what is essential to the personal and professional health of social workers as individuals. This Chapter Chat is interactive and is a platform for you to engage with NASW staff and leadership directly. We invite you to join us and as we map out the future of social work together.