Voting Information For Social Workers

Voting is valuable and necessary for impactful changes in our communities!  As social workers, we should be educated on the political positions of candidates at the federal, state and local levels.  The decisions politicians make at every level impact our profession and the communities we serve.  Let’s commit to exercising our right to vote and assisting our clients to have access to the polls in November!

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Social Work & Voting

Jessica J. Mitchel, LMSW, MA and Alexandra Saint Laurent, MSW discuss vote suppression and how social workers can engage their clients and communities to advocate for themselves.

See the full chat here.


Voting Is Social Work!, Click here for more info

Absentee Ballot Registration Information in NYS, click here

How to Vote in NYS,, click here

Voting Deadlines in NYS, click here

Volunteer as a Poll Worker in NYS, click here