
Welcome to the NASW-NYS Central Division

Join us in enhancing the profession, building strength, and advocating for the needs of social workers within Cayuga, Cortland, Jefferson, Madison, Onondaga, and Oswego counties.

In Case You Missed It!

The NASW-NYS Central Division meets to discuss issues impacting the profession and share ideas on programs and initiatives that would best serve our members and community. All members, new and current, are welcome to drop by at any upcoming meeting!


Division Events


Gina Corona, LCSW-R

Central Division Director

Gina M Corona, LCSW-R is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 25 years of post Masters experience working with children with mental health issues and their families.

A 1995 Graduate of Syracuse University, Ms. Corona has remained predominantly in the Central New York area for most of her career. She is an activist for the delivery of quality care, and an advocate for changes in legislation to address budget shortfalls that impact desperately needed services and programs.

Over the last 17 years, Ms. Corona has worked in the local state operated mental health clinic, in both inpatient and outpatient programs where she is a Clinical Social Worker. In her practice, Ms. Corona often encounters families in crisis and in need of supportive services to manage both everyday life as well as safety. In addition to her practice as a mental health professional Social Worker, Ms. Corona serves as the Regional Coordinator for the Public Employees Federation’s Region 4, which includes six counties- Cayuga, Cortland, Jefferson, Onondaga, Oswego, and Seneca. The elected leadership position also includes Executive Board Representation, Chair of the Political Action Committee for the Region and serving on other committees. Currently,

Ms. Corona lives in Syracuse, NY with her family.

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Click here to complete the Events and Topics Suggestion Form.

Questions? Please contact us at (518) 463-4741 ext. 100 or
Please allow up to two business days for a response via phone or email.

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