Tag Archives: justice

Less is More: Reincarceration in NYS

Hosted by: The Katal Center

Description: New York reincarcerates more people on parole for technical violations — like being late for curfew or testing positive for alcohol — than any nearly every other state in the country. This means that over 5,000 people are currently incarcerated in New State jails and prisons for⁠ technical violations of parole, including hundreds on Rikers Island. Even more, new data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that in 2018, New York incarcerated nearly 6,000 people across the state for technical parole violations alone.⁠ ⁠ #LessIsMoreNY is designed to fix this problem. Join us to hear from Katal members and staff about parole in New York state, the provisions of the #LessIsMoreNY bill, and ways the NASW-NYS can move to action to support the passage of #LessIsMoreNY. ⁠


What is Environmental Justice?

Hosted by: Ryan Kane, MSW Student, NASW-NYS Intern

Description: What is Environmental Racism and how does it present itself in US society? How do we, as social workers define the environment, and how does that impact our clients, and ourselves? Join UAlbany MSW Student Ryan Kane on November 19th at 12pm to discuss how social workers define environmental justice and approach the challenges of environmental racism.