Student Membership


In addition to all the benefits of regular member, our student membership has expanded programming and resources to support the scholar in their environment.

  • Enjoy all the benefits of a regular member
  • Take any of our Continuing Education trainings for FREE
  • Attend all our racial justice initiatives for free and bring these events into your classroom with NASW-NYS
  • Strengthen your advocacy skills with hands on experience at all levels
  • You will be eligible for division, state, and national awards
  • Apply to NASW scholarships and grants
  • Do independent study at NASW-NYS

  • Guide the future of social work in NYS as a Board Member
  • Chair or sit on a NASW-NYS committee that aligns with your interests and will boost your resume
  • Host a Chapter Chat on a topic you are passionate about and want to inform other social workers
  • Participate in or start a special interest group to network with social workers across the spectrum of the social worker career and around the state
  • Advocate for and develop permanent support systems in the NYS Chapter for yourself and other social workers
  • Co-host NASW-NYS events at your school 


Scholarship, Grants, & Awards

The NASW Foundation is committed to enriching the social work profession and empowering social workers to be leaders in social policy and practice. At the heart of this commitment are national educational, research, and awards programs, which provide: doctoral fellowships, graduate school scholarships, chapter research grants, national recognition awards, lectures, symposiums, and special projects. Some of these programs have been in existence for more than 20 years.

Social Work Encyclopedia

Starting with the right sources is key to the success of any research project. Every day, social work students turn to search engines to scour for sources that meet their research needs. Now, the Encyclopedia of Social Work provides an authoritative starting place when beginning your paper or project. A single click allows you to explore the breadth of social work articles, each that has been vetted with precision by an expert editorial board, and all of whom have experience in clinical and academic social work. This ensures that you are accessing articles are of the highest quality, with evident practical application.

Survive & Thrive Student Conference

The Annual Survive and Thrive Student Conference was developed to support BSW, MSW, and Doctoral students through a full day of innovative, and student informed virtual programming. This conference is designed to strengthen students foundation in their present educational experience and broaden prospects as they prepare to enter the social work field. This conference provides tangible training for students as they prepare to transition to the workforce, or graduate school, and unite the powerful NYS social work student body.


Meet your social work peers, potential employers, and comrades in the fight for social justice. Our 10 Division host a variety in-person and online networking events, steering committee meetings, and continuing education programs that will help connect you with like-minded social workers and employers within your own community. Through engagement with Chapter Committees, special interest groups, anti-racism initiatives, and other programming, your network will grow beyond your Division, and bolster your social work network to statewide and beyond.


The NYS Chapter offers multiple ways to embed yourself into and lead our policy and advocacy initiatives. The incorporation of student voices and perspectives is crucial to the development of our legislative agenda, and your Chapter is committed to cultivating individual change agents as well as mobilizing the collective power that we possess within the NYS social work student body. Students are invited to participate and lead on our Advocacy and Government Relations (AGR) Committee and Political Action for Candidate Election (PACE) Committee. Nourish your advocacy skill set from agenda inception, to research, policy and position writing, to grassroots campaign development, direct advocacy at the Capitol, and more.

Strengthen Your Resume

In NASW-NYS, when we say students lead we mean it. Students have a place to lead in every area of our Chapter. This includes statewide and local elected leadership positions, starting or chairing a special interest group, hosting a Chapter Chat, spearheading the integration of anti-racist programming in your school, and many more options. Invest in a specific skill set or area of social work practice, or develop and advocate for support systems for students and social workers at large in New York and beyond. Through these opportunities you will get to know your cohort through student specific work, and tap into mentorships with seasoned social workers across the Nation.

LMSW & LCSW Test Prep

NYS Chapter members get 50% off our licensing test prep courses. Our eight hour licensing courses are delivered as live webinars and a recorded selfstudy, allowing you to take them at your convenience whether at home or on the go. Not a member? You can join the Chapter and purchase the test prep at the member rate for less than the cost of the purchasing at the non member rate!

Social Work Career Center

Members can use the National Career Center to find opportunities throughout the United States and in their own backyards. Through JobLink, you can connect with employers that are recruiting specifically for social workers and seeking the unique skillset you bring to the table. The Career Center also offers opportunity to get one on one feedback about your resume, and how to best tailor it to the areas of practice you are applying to.

Student Loan Forgiveness Advocacy & Programs

The NYS Chapter advocates for the expansion of and increased funding for the NYS Social Worker Loan Forgiveness Program and has successfully advocated for additional funding to the program – bringing the total up $1.72 million. NASW advocates for loan forgiveness for social workers as part of our ongoing work to improve working conditions and salaries, to support social work professionals and to ensure that consumers have continued access to qualified professionals.

Student Loan Support

NASW has partnered with Savi, one of the highest rated student loan technology companies out there, to provide our members with access to resources and expertise to better understand, manage, and repay student loans. The Savi Student Loan Tool analyzes repayment and forgiveness programs to help borrowers make better decisions, with an average savings of $2,064 a year, and hours in paperwork and anxiety. Our members can use a free account to explore options at no cost, and choose a member-discounted premium account to get help enrolling and submitting application paperwork directly to loan servicers, and access one-on-one support with student loan experts.

Be Eligible for Transitional Membership

As a student member, you have access to the reduced Transitional Member rate after graduation. BSW student members who maintain continuous NASW membership are eligible for the discounted transitional rate for BSWs for up to two years after graduation. MSW student members who maintain continuous NASW membership are eligible for the discounted transitional rate for MSWs for up to three years after graduation.

Not Ready for Membership? Join Our Students Only Email List!

Can’t make that leap to membership quite yet? Sign up for our student only email list, and we will only contact you about student specific programming. Get to know us first, and we are committed to proving ourselves as a valuable investment during your social work education and beyond.

LEAD & Capitol Action Day
Survive & Thrive Student Conference
Student Leadership Events
New & Emerging Workforce Events
Test Prep, LMSW & LCSW
Racial Justice Initiatives
& Only Other Student Related Activities

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