Introduction to Solution-Focused Brief Practice (SFBP)
Part One:
Monday, December 17, 2018
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Part Two:
Friday, January 11, 2018
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
14.0 NYSED Approved CEs*
Presenter: Joel K. Simon, LCSW, BCD, ACSW
Location: Marist College
Hancock Center, Room 2023
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
NASW-NYS Member Fee: $140
NASW Member (Non-NASW-NYS): $240
Non-Member Fee: $280
This workshop is approved for 14.0 continuing education credit hours for licensed social workers, licensed mental health counselors, and licensed marriage and family therapists
The CE Lunch Option includes a campus lunch delivered to the training room at lunchtime, and there will be sandwiches available with a side and a bottled water. During registration, please indicate your selection and if you require a vegan/kosher/gluten-free lunch option. The CE Lunch Option is now closed.
You may also opt to purchase lunch on your own. See the following links for dining options outside of the campus. Please note: The program is taking place in the North End Gate.
- Marist College - Places within Walking Distance (Link)
- Marist College - Restaurants within Walking Distance (Link)
Driving and Parking Instructions
Due to construction at the north entrance of the campus, please enter through the south entrance. Most convenient parking is available in Lot 10 (Midrise) and Lot 11 (River-view). No parking pass needed.
Click Here to be directed to the campus map.
Phone: 845.575.3000
Introduction to Solution-Focused Brief Practice (SFBP):
Dates: December 17 & 18, 2018 from 10:00am to 4:30pm
January 11, 2019 from 9:00am to 12:00pm
Presenter: Joel K. Simon, LCSW, BCD, ACSW
The purpose of the workshop is to introduce participants to solution-focused practice. The model has been accepted as an evidenced based practice and there has been much research demonstrating the effectiveness of solution focus with varied populations and in varied contexts. Within the limited time allotted, the workshop will explore the development and evolution of solution-focused practice, the model’s assumptions, its focus on solution-building versus problem-solving, and co-constructive language. A special emphasis will be made on the practical seven tools that keep the solution focus model effective and brief. Solution-focus follows many of the social work precepts: “staying where the client is,” viewing the client as an integral part of his social environment, creating a collaborative relationship, and being client-centered.
Learning Objectives:
After the completion of this workshop, participants will:
- Participants will name the 7 tools of solution-building
- Participants will name the 3 basic rules of solution building
- Participants will list the 5 elements of the “thinking break.”
- Participants will be able to define post-structural thinking
- Participants will be able to list the basic solution focused assumptions
- Participants will name the basic elements of a useful goal
This workshop is approved for 14.0 continuing education credit hours.
NASW-NYS is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers (Provider ID #0014), licensed mental health counselors (Provider ID #MHC-0053), and licensed marriage and family therapists. (Provider ID #MFT-0037)
Joel K. Simon, , LCSW, BCD, ACSW, has been a solution-focused practitioner, trainer, presenter, and consultant since 1992. He attended 3 trainings at BFTC and is a founding member of SFBTA. Joel completed an advanced training in Ericksonian hypnotherapy. Currently, he is in private practice, provides solution-focused training, supervision, and consultation. Joel co-authored several articles on solution focus including two with Insoo Kim Berg. Joel has authored or co-authored 3 books on solution-focused topics. Please visit www.0to10.net for further information.
3399 North Road
Hancock 2023
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
NASW-NYS Member | $140.00 |
Non-Member | $280.00 |
NASW Member (Non-NYS) | $240.00 |
Information for Certificates