Category Archives: NASWNYS

NASW-NYS Partners with Beacon Health Options

NASW-NYS is thrilled to partner with Beacon Health Options to examine and improve the relationship between NYS Chapter providers and their insurance company. This partnership will connect our members directly … Continue reading NASW-NYS Partners with Beacon Health Options

A Message from the NASW-TX Executive Director on the Uvalde School Shooting

Gun Control is Social Work Implement strategies to reduce the risk of students gaining access to firearms and weapons, including parental awareness of gun safety (Social Work Speaks, 12th Edition) Firearm restrictions … Continue reading A Message from the NASW-TX Executive Director on the Uvalde School Shooting

Statement on Buffalo Domestic Terrorist Attack

Thirteen people in Buffalo, NY woke up on Saturday morning. Some probably woke up thinking about the plans they made for the weekend. Others may have woken up thinking about … Continue reading Statement on Buffalo Domestic Terrorist Attack

NASW Submits Comments for Information on Medicaid & CHIP Access to Coverage

National Office submitted comments in response to the CMS Request for Information on Medicaid & CHIP Access to Coverage. To read the comments, click here.   

2022 Chapter Election is Open!

Vote in the 2022 NASW-NYS Election!! The New York State Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers is pleased to announce the opening of our 2022 Leadership Election. The … Continue reading 2022 Chapter Election is Open!

NASW Action Alert: Ask your U.S. Representative to cosponsor the School Social Worker...

NASW Action Alert: Ask your U.S. Representative to cosponsor the School Social Workers Improving Student Success Act Click here to advocate now! Social workers have long been an essential workforce … Continue reading NASW Action Alert: Ask your U.S. Representative to cosponsor the School Social Workers Improving Student Success Act