Monthly Membership Meeting: June 2021
Our monthly membership meetings are an opportunity for NYS members to engage with Chapter staff and Leadership directly, learn about current and upcoming NYS initiatives, and provide feedback on NYS programming and services. These meetings will include updates on membership benefits and services, guests from our Chapter Leadership who are spearheading our initiatives, and transparent conversations about how we do the work we do to serve our members.
The NYS Chapter knows that our members provide our greatest source for ideas, guidance, and strength. NASW is your organization, it belongs to you. Please help us to create a NYS Chapter that is of most value to NYS social workers by participating in this monthly opportunity to engage, organize, and advocate.
In this Monthly Membership Meeting, we will be meeting with our Policy Team to hear about the work of the Advocacy and Government Relations Committee, and how our members can get involved in advancing legislative priorities. We will also be sharing updates on our Anti Racism Plan, CE Programming (including a 12 CE credit series FREE to members!), and the Veterans Mental Health Training.