Adhoc Committees/ Task Forces

NYS School Social Work Task Force

School social workers from across NY State are facing a workforce crisis as districts facing budgetary constraints are increasingly opting to eliminate social work positions.  NASW-NYS Chapter is concerned about the continued viability of this critical area of  social work practice. The School Social Work Task Force has been formed to address this challenge.

The Task Force will pursue the following goals:

  • Better prepare the school social workers and allies to articulate the value of school social work practice
  • Educate the School District Superintendents and Boards of Education about the value of social work and the difference between school social workers and other pupil personnel services
  • Increase the visibility of the school social work profession
  • Recommend and participate in advocacy strategies (including legislative initiatives being by the Chapter) to strengthen the role of school social work.

Established September 2014

View the NYS School Social Worker Survival Toolkit: A Self-Advocacy Resource Guide



Chair: Michael Cappiello, MSW, LCSW-R
(Certified School Social Worker)
Michael serves on the Board of Directors of the NYS Chapter of NASW. He is also a member of the School Social Work Association of America, New York State School Social Workers Association, and the NYS Society for Clinical Social Work. He is Chair of the Advocacy and Government Relations Committee for the NYS Chapter.

Katharine M
Katharine Milcarek-Burke, LMSW
Political Action for Candidate Election (PACE), NYS Chapter, Chair

Celisia Street, LMSW
NASW-NYS Chapter Communications & Professional Development Associate
800-724-6279 Ext. 22 or E-mail:

Karin Carreau, MSW
NASW-NYS Director of Policy
800-724-6279 Ext. 16 or E-Mail

Sharon Issurdatt Dietsche, LICSW, LCSW-C
NASW Senior Practice Associate

Frederick Streeck, MSW, ACSW, C-SSWS
Executive Director, School Social Work Association of America

Rebecca Kunkel, LMSW
Associate Executive Director, School Social Work Association of America

Hai-Ping Yeh, LCSW-R
President, NYS School Social Work Association

Lisa V
Lisa V. Blitz, PhD, LCSW-R

Stephanie Carter, School Social Worker, Schalmont School District
Picture Pending

Mara Zukaitis, School Social Worker, Previously at Brentwood School District

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