2025 VMHTI Conference Main Page

Presented by the NASW-NYS/NYC Veterans Mental Health Training Initiative (VMHTI)


for all social workers, LMFTs, LMHCs, and licensed psychologists.

Online - Live CE Program
Received LIVE credits for participating over Zoom

There is no partial credit option. You must attend the full event to receive CEs.

(If you are not in NYS, check with your own licensing board to see if our programs are eligible for CE credit in your state.)


Voices of Veterans Panel Event

Honoring the experiences and voices of our veterans

Day 1 Schedule

9:00am – 9:30am

Welcome, Announcements, and Veterans Mental Health Training Initiative (VMHTI) Overview

9:30am - 11:00am

Voices of Veterans Panel 1: Peer Support on Critical Issues: Discussions on Veteran Suicide Intervention, Addiction Recovery, Homelessness, and PTSD/TBI

Facilitator: Aynisa Leonardo, LCAT, ATR-BC, VP Clinical Outreach, Water Gap Wellness

Panelists: Brent Russell, LMSW, Army Veteran; Gavin T. Walters Sr, MSW-USAF, Program Director of Vet2Vet of Ulster County and NY State Dwyer Coalition Facilitator; Jeremy Duers, Marine Corps Veteran, Program Director of Dwyer Project of Warren/Washington County; Danielle Bernae, LMSW, USAF Ret.; Greg Johnson, USMC Vet, The Summit Project Founder.

Description: This session provides an opportunity to directly address VMHTI grant deliverables by gathering insights and lived experience stories from both trained and lived experience peer veterans. The discussion will focus on critical issues such as addiction recovery, suicidality, PTSD/TBI, and veteran homelessness, offering valuable perspectives on the challenges and support systems within these areas.

11:00am - 11:10am


11:10am - 12:40pm

Voices of Veterans Panel 2: Moral Injury and Cognitive Dissonance: Navigating Policy Change and Current Events

Facilitator: Aynisa Leonardo, LCAT, ATR-BC, VP Clinical Outreach, Water Gap Wellness

Panelists: Melanie Corinne, USMC Vet, Advocate, Storyteller; (More TBD)

Description: This discussion helps vets articulate how policies, both past and present, affect them, focusing on lived experience rather than partisan debate. We’ll approach this with respect and clarity, keeping the conversation grounded in real-world impacts rather than ideological arguments. The goal here is to foster productive discourse, where vets can acknowledge systemic challenges within the framework of their own lived experiences.

1:10pm - 2:40pm

Voices of Veterans Panel 3:  The Creative Mind in Service: Creativity in Support of Community Building and Post Traumatic Growth

Facilitator: Aynisa Leonardo, LCAT, ATR-BC, VP Clinical Outreach, Water Gap Wellness

Panelists: Karl Rohde, Army Combat Vietnam Veteran, Silver Star Recipient; Abdul S., SPC/US Army, Filmmaker; (More TBD)
Description: Creativity serves as a powerful expressive tool for facilitating post-traumatic growth, allowing veterans to process and decompress from their military experiences in a way that is both accessible, accommodating, and can encourage community building. This panel will explore various forms of creative expression as innovative therapy – including comedy, music, art, writing, and acting – highlighting how different modalities can support veteran healing and personal growth.

2:50pm - 4:50pm

Voices of Veterans Panel 4: Bridging the Gap Between Clinicians and Veteran Patients: Self-Reflection, Boundaries, Effective Support Across Belief Systems, and Dispelling Biases

Facilitator: Aynisa Leonardo, LCAT, ATR-BC, VP Clinical Outreach, Water Gap Wellness

Panelists: Michael Shurmatz, LCSW, U.S. Army; MAJ Robin MacHattie, Behavioral Health Officer and Sexual Assault Response Coordinator/Army National Guard; Alyssa Gibbons, LCSW-R, BCD, US Navy, Tim Scott, U.S. Army Active Duty, LICSW; (More TBD)
Description: Clinicians must be equipped to hold space for veterans whose beliefs may differ from their own while recognizing how these dynamics impact the therapeutic relationship. This panel will explore strategies for self-reflection, boundary-setting, and professional development to help providers navigate countertransference effectively. We will also discuss the importance of addressing preconceived notions about veterans, understanding vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue, and ensuring that both clinicians, peers, and veteran patients can engage in productive, supportive conversations without bias or personal discomfort hindering care.

Day 2 Schedule

9:30am – 9:40am

Welcome and Announcements

9:40am - 11:10am

Voices of Veterans Panel 5: Supporting Veteran Children and Dependents: Trends, Challenges, and Ways to Build Resilience

Facilitator: TBD

Panelists: Dani Koulermos, US Army Disabled Veteran, LCAT-P; Anthony M. Rabasca, Lt Colonel, USAF, Retired; Polina Washington, Active Duty Army, Grad Student.

Description: This panel will explore the unique experiences of children and dependents of veterans, examining the challenges they face and the strengths they develop. Panelists will discuss the impact of military life on family structures, self-sufficiency, and accelerated independence, as well as the role of generational trauma and resilience in shaping their lives. Through the perspectives of both veteran parents and dependents, this conversation will highlight support systems, strategies for fostering stability, and the importance of honest discussions around family dynamics, including the realities of breaking cycles of trauma and fostering resilience.

11:10am - 11:20am


11:20am - 1:20pm

Voices of Veterans Panel 6: Vets are Not a Monolith: Diversity of Beliefs and Experience in Service

Facilitator: Tim Scott, U.S. Army Active Duty, LICSW

Panelists: Amanda L Matteson, PhD, MSW/ Army National Guard; Dylan Damboise, Marine Veteran; John Bourges, Captain US Army Reserves, NYPD Retired, RN Retired, County Coroner; Sandra Moody, CBRNE Specialist US Army (1998-2010); (More TBD)

Description: This panel will highlight the vast range of military experiences by ensuring broad representation across service branches, combat and non-combat roles, service eras, ranks (and time served), and lived-experience identities. By featuring veterans with diverse backgrounds and a large diversity of thought, this discussion will offer a deeper understanding of the many paths within military service and challenge common misconceptions about what it means to be a veteran.

1:20pm - 1:30pm

Call to Action and Closing

The Veterans Mental Health Training Initiative (VMHTI) is a multi-year comprehensive training project developed by the National Association of Social Workers - New York State Chapter (NASW-NYS), aimed at increasing the number of community health and mental health professionals clinically trained in the assessment and treatment of mental health issues specific to veterans and their families. VMHTI is supported by a grant from the New York State Legislature as part of its efforts to address the unmet mental health needs of returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans and their families. NASW-NYS developed the Veterans Mental Health Training Initiative to educate and train community health and primary care providers on veteran-specific mental health issues, including among others post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, suicide, suicide prevention, and substance use disorders. The goal of the VMHTI is to (further) build the capacity of New York’s community mental health workforce to better serve our returning veterans and their families through the delivery of free veterans mental health conferences and other related programming.


NASW-NYS is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for the following professionals:

  • Licensed Social Workers (Provider ID #0014)
  • Licensed Mental Health Counselors (Provider ID #MHC-0053)
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (Provider ID #MFT-0037)
  • Licensed Psychologists (Provider ID #PSY-0088)

Aynisa Leonardo, LCAT, ATR-BC, VP Clinical Outreach, Water Gap Wellness

Aynisa Leonardo is a Licensed Clinical Art Therapist (LCAT, ATR-BC), who has been in the field of mental health services for 12 years. She is the VP of Clinical Outreach at Water Gap Wellness. Her prior experience includes working in inpatient, outpatient, and non-profit settings with clients experiencing posttraumatic stress, addiction, family conflict, and other mental health challenges. She has concentrated on advanced program development and clinical education, locally and nationally. She continues to provide evidence-based and interactive style presentations to hospitals, non-profits, and corporate agencies, in an effort to raise awareness of current trends and improve competency within the healthcare community.

Dylan Damboise, Marine Veteran

Dylan is a Marine Corps Veteran and former 0651 Cyber Network Operator . After his service his engagement with the Dwyer Project showed him firsthand the transformational power of peer support. He studied at Fordham University and completed an internship at Paramount+ Veterans Network. Presently, Dylan is a paralegal at Fusco, Brandenstein and Rada, LLC, focusing on helping veterans secure their benefits. Outside of work, he enjoys tabletop games with friends.

Jeremy Duers, Marine Corps Veteran

Jeremy Duers is a Marine Corps veteran who served from 1999-2004 as a percussionist in the Marine Corps Field Band. He was the Band's NCOIC of both the library and the supply, and was awarded the Navy Achievement Medal for devising the Desktop Procedure used across the band field. After being medically discharged, Jeremy attended Skidmore College and earned a Bachelor's in History and Government. He then went on and earned his Master's in History and Teaching from Union Graduate College. Upon graduation, Jeremy taught Social Studies and coached wrestling and football in Houston and then in Upstate New York, earning Coach of the Year honors and leading several athletes to State qualifications and titles. Jeremy changed careers and is currently the coordinator for the Joseph P. Dwyer Peer to Peer program for both Warren and Washington County. He lives in Lake George with his wife of 23 years and five children. He is a devout Catholic, and enjoys the challenge of helping veterans no matter what their needs and highlighting the issues that veterans face after discharge.

MAJ Robin MacHattie, Behavioral Health Officer and Sexual Assault Response Coordinator/Army National Guard

MAJ MacHattie has been a commissioned officer in the New York Army National Guard since 2015. She serves as a Behavioral Health Officer (social worker) and Sexual Assault Response Coordinator. Her passion is helping Service Members understand the nuances of behavioral health and wellness, providing psychoeducation, support, and appropriate resources. She also dedicates herself to raising awareness of sexual assault: what it is, how it thrives in certain unit cultures, bystander intervention, prevention efforts, and resources available. Prior to commissioning, Robin had worked as a civilian contractor for the New York Army National Guard from 2011-2015. Her civilian profession is in higher education, holding the position of Assistant Professor of Social Work.

Sandra Moody, CBRNE Specialist US Army (1998-2010)

Sandra Moody is a Western New York Native with a 30+ year career. Sandra’s career began in 1981 in Combat Medical, and she journeyed through various skill sets including WMD Specialist and Theater Security Cooperations before her retirement in Oct 2015. Sandra has been a volunteer Peer Mentor with the Saratoga County Veteran’s Peer Connections within the Joseph P Dwyer program since March 2013. She also Co-Chairs the Veterans Mental Health Counsel at the Stratton VA.

Anthony Rabasca, LT.Col., USAF, Retired, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Lieutenant Colonel Rabasca retired from the United States Air Force after 20 years of service. He is graduate of four military institutes including: Squadron Officers School, Air Command and Staff College, Armed Forces Staff College and the Air War College. His military experience was divided between two Air Force specialties: For eleven years he served in North American Air Defense (NORAD) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He was chosen to attend the Defense Race Relations Institute(DRRI) from which he graduated in 1972. For eight years of his career he served as Social Actions Specialist. The Social Actions mission focused on Equal Opportunity and Treatment, Drug/Alcohol Abuse and Rehabilitation, and Race Relations. His duties included conducting group sensitivity training that focused on race relations and sexism in the Air Force. From 1976-1980 he served as an instructor at the Department of Defense Race Relations Institute(DRRI) where he was in charge of curriculum development of subjects that included racism and sexism in the military. In 1978 he earned a Masters Degree in Human Relations from Oklahoma University. From 1980 to 1983 he served as Deputy Commander of the ROTC Detachment at Rutgers University. His last Air Force assignment was as Director of Training at the NORAD Operations Center located at Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, NY. After retirement in 1988 earned a clinical degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Syracuse University. He was President of the New York State Association for Marriage and Family Therapists (NYAMFT) from 1999-2002. In December of 2001he served at the World Trade Center, ground zero, as a Red Cross Mental Health Specialist. In 2013 he retired after 25 years in private practice as an LMFT. He has been a member of the VMHTI Advisory and Curriculum Development Committees since 2016. He is currently working as a consultant to the Sitrin Outpatient Military Rehabilitation Clinical Development Program, New Hartford, NY and is a sponsor and participant in Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing in Twin Bridges, Montana. He resides in Rome, NY with his wife, Jane.

Brent Russell, LMSW, Army Veteran

Brent Russell is a Desert Storm veteran who served from 1990 to 1992 with the 369th communication Battalion. He was released with an honorable-medical discharge out of Fort Dix N.J. Brent graduated with a Masters in Social work from Adelphi University in 2014 and now is a LMSW working on getting certification for his practice. Brent Russell is the Director of Veterans Services at the Mental Health Association of Nassau County which houses “The PFC Dwyer Peer Support Project of Nassau County” and also “The Veterans Health Alliance of Long Island”. He oversees 14 Veteran peer support groups and coordinates different events geared to engage the Veteran and family member to connect them with positive resources if needed. Ultimately leading Veterans and family members to good health and wellness.

Michael Shurmatz, LCSW, US Army

Michael currently works as a Readjustment Counselor at the Buffalo Vet Center where he specializes in integrative therapy for trauma and Moral Injury utilizing ACT, DBT, CPT, and EMDR interventions. Michael has facilitated trainings on moral Injury through an ACT perspective in the WNY community, through the NASW NYS Chapter, the Veterans Mental Health Training Initiative, and VA. Prior to coming to the Vet Center, Michael worked as a Substance Abuse Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program (SARRTP) Social Worker at the Buffalo VAMC, and Outpatient Behavioral Health Senior Counselor at BestSelf Behavioral Health. Michael graduated from the UB School of Social Work, Master of Social Work in May 2019. Prior to going back to graduate school, Michael was the manager for the PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Peer Support Program at the Veterans One-Stop Center of WNY from 2015 – 2017. Michael served in the U.S. Army, as a Commissioned Logistics Officer from 2007 – 2011, serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom from 2009-2010.


Preston W. Brown, MSW, Airforce, Shinnecock Nation, Long Island Fatherhood Initiative

Preston Brown is a Shinnecock Indian Nation Tribal Member. Preston is a Prevention Educator with the Long Island Fatherhood Initiative at the Retreat. He has a graduate Degree in Social Work from Stony Brook University, with a specialization in Trauma, 2015. He facilitates a 24/7 Dad Parenting Course across Suffolk and Nassau County for fathers, father figures, and expecting fathers 18 years of age and older. The 24/7 Dad Parenting Course is developed by the National Fatherhood Initiative; it aims to improve the well-being of families and children through the promotion of responsible fatherhood and healthy relationships.

Preston Brown served in the United States Air Force from 1984-2000 in the Comptrollers Squadron at Kirtland AFB, Kwan-Ju AB ROK, Bitburg AB GE, Mildenhall AB UK and McGuire AFB NJ, 15.5 yrs. Preston was deployed to Incirlik AB Turkey as a paying agent for Operation Proven Force at the start of Operation Desert Storm, Antalya AB TU for Operation Provide Comfort and Aviano AB, IT for Operation Deny Flight. Preston was discharged from active service with a Bad Conduct Discharge in 2000.

Montgomery Brown, Combat Navy Medic, Member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Bio coming soon!

John Bourges, Captain US Army Reserves, NYPD Retired, RN Retired, County Coroner

John Bourges worked as a Registered Nurse from 2003 to 2018 in the Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department settings, earning a BSN, CCRN and CEN, as well having been an ACLS & BLS Instructor. John was deployed to Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) as an Officer, serving both as an ER and ICU nurse in a combat area of operations. He has twenty years’ experience with the New York City Police Department including Patrol, the Narcotics Division and the Detective Bureau. John also trained in Personal/Dignitary protection. He is the Program Coordinator for The Dwyer Veterans Outreach Program in Putnam County and was elected a County Coroner in 2015/18. John is on the Board of Directors of the Prevention Council of Putnam; formally NCADD; and a member of the Putnam County Suicide Prevention Task Force.

Alyssa GibbonsLCSW-R, BCD, US Navy

Alyssa Gibbons, LCSW-R, BCD graduated from UNC Charlotte with her MSW in 2003 and has been in clinical practice since June 2003. She has worked with a variety of populations, mainly adults in various stages of recovery from MH/SUD issues. She served 6 years as an active duty Navy Medical Service Corps Officer from 2009 – 2016 as a social worker. She currently works for the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center in outpatient substance abuse and has a passion for spirituality as a recovery focus.

Dani Koulermos, US Army Disabled Veteran, LCAT-P

Dani Koulermos is a U.S. Army Veteran who served as a Military Police Officer from 2012 to 2016, both stateside and overseas. After her honorable discharge, she pursued a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling and Clinical Art Therapy from Long Island University, focusing on PTSD and MST, and graduated with dual honors.

Currently, she is a Primary Counselor at Outreach Recovery Center's Veterans Track in Brentwood, working towards her New York State Licensed Creative Arts Therapist certification. She specializes in art therapy for trauma processing and recovery from substance abuse, particularly for veterans with PTS and SUD. Dani manages a caseload including homeless populations and runs multiple therapy groups, including Creative Solutions in Recovery Art Therapy and Grief and Loss.

Dani also conducts an online Military Sexual Trauma webinar series, advocating and educating about MST. She is involved in several initiatives, including the Resource Coalition at the Northport Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the Veterans Suicide Coalition. She served on the Suffolk County Women’s Advisory Commission from 2020-2022 and was honored in 2023 for her military duty, leadership, and community service.

Her PTSD and MST-themed artwork has been exhibited at Columbia University and LIU POST galleries. Dani also has experience as a Veterans Counselor at the Victims Information Bureau, aiding in rape crisis, domestic violence counseling, and veteran family support.

Amanda L Matteson, PhD, MSW/ Army National Guard

Amanda Matteson served in the Army National Guard from 2005 to 2011 as a Blackhawk helicopter mechanic and deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2008. She earned her Bachelor’s in Psychology in 2011, her Master’s in Social Work (MSW) in 2018, and her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Social Work in 2022. Her dissertation research focused on women veteran peer support. She works at the VA’s War Related Illness and Injury Study Center on research to improve health care for Veterans.

Jeffrey McQueen, MBA, LCDC, Army, Executive Director for the Mental Health Association of Nassau County

Jeffrey McQueen, MBA, LCDC, is the Executive Director for the Mental Health Association of Nassau County.  Mr. McQueen is a combat veteran who has lived experience with multiple facets of recovery.   Prior to his journey in recovery, Jeffrey has experienced several institutions battling emotional distress, PTSD, and substance abuse, Mr. McQueen has presented implementation techniques throughout the country on topics such as Personal Growth and Change, Time Management and other Recovery Based modalities. He has learned from a variety of adversities and obstacles throughout his recovery process and has embraced these experiences as well as learned to use them to not just educate society as a whole, but to find purpose and empowerment in these experiences.

Abdul, S. SPC/US Army

Abdul, S., also known as Falcon, is an Arab American filmmaker and US army veteran. Starting his career as a stand-up comedian in Jordan, Abdul went on to write and perform for shows on major Middle Eastern TV networks and worked as a video editor at Al Jazeera English in Doha, Qatar. Passionate about visual arts, Abdul studied improv at Second City in the US and earned a Masters in Filmmaking from London Film School aiming to create thought-provoking, authentic and entertaining content.

Karl Rohde, Army Combat Vietnam Veteran, Silver Star Recipient

Karl Rohde, Army, Combat Vietnam Veteran is presently Director of Veterans Services for Putnam County. He is certified by the VA as a Veterans Service Officer (VSO). In that capacity he assists Veterans in filing claims for compensation with the VA. Karl has been involved with Veterans issues on some level since 1989. He a Past State Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and is the founder of the Putnam County Joint Veterans Council that brings the various Veterans organizations of Putnam County together to work as a team for Veterans. Since the funding of Dwyer Vet2Vet passes through his office he been a part of the team and strong advocate of Dwyer. He is a horse handler in the Equus Effect Horse Therapy for Veterans. He sits on the Putnam County Suicide Prevention Task Force. Karl has 2 master’s degrees one in history and one in education.


Tim Scott, U.S. Army Active Duty, LICSW

Tim Scott is a clinical social worker and social work educator who also has a doctorate in social justice education from UMass Amherst, with a focus on political economy and ethnic studies. He has extensive experience as an organizer and activist in a range of social and economic justice campaigns and liberation movements. Since 2016, he has worked closely with frontline Lakota land and water protectors and veterans in resistance struggles for sovereignty, climate justice and land back. Tim is a first-generation college graduate who enlisted in the U.S. Army Infantry at the age of seventeen.

Gavin T. Walters Sr, MSW-USAF, Program Director of Vet2Vet of Ulster County and NY State Dwyer Coalition Facilitator

Gavin T. Walters Sr. is an Air Force Veteran who has dedicated his life to serving other Veterans in our community as the Director of the Vet2Vet of Ulster County Program and works for the Hudson Valley National Center for Veteran Reintegration (HVNCVR). Gavin and his lovely wife of 8 years, Tomisha are the proud parents of 3 children! Gavin Jr., Eden, and Aniyah have blessed their household with laughter and tiny feet running around the clock. Gavin was born in Jamaica and came to the US in 1988. He lived in Texas for a few years before heading to New York with the rest of his family. Gavin’s a proud American and decided to join the Air Force in 2003. Due to medical issues, his enlistment was cut short but his desire to serve remained. He knows the struggle that Veterans experience as well as the process that comes with advocating for your rights. He went on to earn his MSW in 2020 and spends his days helping Veterans in need. As Gavin facilities the Joseph P Dwyer Veteran Peer Support Program which is critical to the mental and physical well-being of Ulster County Veterans, he works to create partnerships with community members like the Veteran Services Agency as well as the VA to ensure no Veteran is left behind. The Dwyer Programs (Vet2Vet) uses proven strategies to engage Veterans with peer mentors and in the community. No one understands a Veteran like a Veteran and Vet2Vet puts that into practice on a daily basis. They have many programs, including Group Sessions for PTSD, Equine Therapy, Mindfulness sessions, and of course peer counseling. Gavin has also taken the lead for New York State serving as the leader of the NY State Dwyer Coalition. This coalition works with NYS leaders to advocate for legislation and build better support for Veterans across the state.

What do social workers have to say about the VMHTI?

Charles G. - Social Worker

The panels vast and different experiences provide a depth to understanding veterans I've never imagined possible. Thank you to all who've been open to sharing your life experiences.

Jill F. - Social Worker

I have learned more about the Military during this. session and yesterdays panel than I have ever before. Thank you!

Mariama S. - Social Worker

I can't believe how much I've learned from the panelists from these two days. You all rock! Most powerful continuing education course I have ever taken.

Jessica L.

Having the listserv to get 24/7 guidance from veterans and other clinicians is one of the greatest resources I have ever gotten. The workshops are wonderful as well, however I can not thank you enough for having the listserv and guidance I get there available.

Elizabeth A. - Social Worker

An an LCSW I have much experience in mental health in particular PTSD. I have become increasingly interested in working with veterans and registered for this conference to learn more about the culture. This conference, and in particular hearing from the veterans, has solidified by intention. Thank you NASW and all the panelists.

Rachel K.

Hearing directly from veterans through the programs and conference has made a huge impact on me. Our veterans do not need to be saved by clinicians, they just need the support to heal themselves and one another. This is exactly what social work is about. I have a renewed commitment to my vets and other clients.

Kim T.

My father is a Vietnam vet. He frequently spoke about the brotherhood he felt and how much he missed that sense of belonging. Thank you for helping me to understand this more.

Marvin R.

These presentations should be at every high school and every college in the United States. The panels give names, faces, and stories to our veterans. This is very impactful and thank you for making these available.

Lori A. Z.

Truly the best conference I have ever been to.

John Bourges, Captain US Army Reserves, NYPD Retired, RN Retired, County Coroner
Melanie Corinne, Marine Corps Veteran, 2013-2018, Levantine Arabic Linguist
Jeremy Duers, Marine Corps Veteran
Dylan Damboise, Marine Veteran
Alyssa Gibbons, LCSW-R, BCD, US Navy
Mary Jo Gibson, LCSW, Retired Military Spouse
Lorraine Greenwell, LMSW, MPH
Ward Halverson, Retired LCSW-R Private Practice, Captain/US Army
Dani Koulermos, US Army Disabled Veteran
Aynisa Leonardo, LCAT, ATR-BC, VP Clinical Outreach, Water Gap Wellness
MAJ Robin MacHattie, Behavioral Health Officer and Sexual Assault Response Coordinator/Army National Guard
Amanda L Matteson, PhD, MSW/ Army National Guard
Anthony Rabasca, LT.Col., USAF, Retired, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Brent Russell, LMSW, Army Veteran
Tim Scott, U.S. Army Active Duty, LICSW
Karl Rohde, Army Combat Vietnam Veteran, Silver Star Recipient
Gavin T. Walters Sr, MSW-USAF, Program Director of Vet2Vet of Ulster County and NY State Dwyer Coalition Facilitator
Michael Varmette, Lt.Col. USMC, Retired, MSW, MSSM