Revolutionize the Profession: Town Hall 16 | Whoever Owns History Has the Power: Reclaiming our Power

What is Revolutionize Social Work?    Revolutionize Social Work (RSW) is a movement of social workers from around the world committed to naming and dismantling racism and white supremacy that is perpetrated and perpetuated by social work.


Revolutionize Social Work is an initiative of the New York State Chapter of NASW that works to:

(1) Acknowledge the history and current ways that white supremacy and racism exist in social work practice;

(2) Create goals to achieve a racially just profession;

(3) Develop and implement action plans to achieve these goals and hold systems of power accountable


This work will be informed and led by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) social workers. Members and non-members are invited to join us in this work! This session will be focused on the following topic: Whoever Owns History Has the Power: Reclaiming our Power




We invite all social workers to attend these meetings and work groups. It will take social workers from all membership groups and geographic locations to change the profession. The work groups will be led by BIPOC social workers. It is imperative that this work is led by the people who have been left out of the profession in a variety of ways. Many white social workers have reached out to NASW-NYS asking how they can support our anti-racism work. This initiative is a great way to practice ally ship.

Please click the button below to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information to join the meeting.



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188 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210
(518) 463-4741/800-724-6279

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