How to Talk to Your Children About Consent and Safety: Sexual Abuse Prevention

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How to Talk to Your Children About Consent and Safety: Sexual Abuse Prevention

Friday, December 13, 2024

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET


Presenter: Billye Jones, LCSW, DSW Candidate '25

NASW-NYS or NASW-NYC Members: $15

NASW Other Chapter Member: $22.50

Non-Members: $35

NASW-NYS Student and Transitional Members: FREE

This workshop is approved for 1.0 continuing education credit hours for licensed social workers, licensed mental health counselors, licensed marriage and family therapists and licensed psychologists

Please ensure that you register and/or join on Zoom with the name you would like to appear on your certificate.

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Workshop Description

One in four girls and one in twenty boys will be sexually abused by age 18. How can you talk to your child about these risks? This workshop moves beyond scare tactics and presents vital information about sexual abuse, myths and facts about abuse, ways that our everyday behaviors put children at risk for being abused, and protective factors. The workshop also includes concrete tips, conversation starters, and adjustments you can make to keep children safe.


Learning Objectives

After the completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate how to talk to your child about body safety and boundaries
  • Describe strategies for open age- appropriate communication
  • Establish clear guidelines for interactions with adults and peers

This workshop is approved for 1.0 continuing education credit hours.

NASW-NYS is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers (Provider ID #0014), licensed mental health counselors (Provider ID #MHC-0053), licensed marriage and family therapists (Provider ID #MFT-0037) and licensed psychologists (Provider ID #PSY-0088).

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Billye J. Jones profile image

Billye J. Jones, LCSW, is a therapist, instructor, trainer, and nonprofit leader. Billye’s primary focus has been working with children, adults, and families impacted by trauma. Her passion has been child sexual abuse prevention and treatment. She has done extensive work with sexually abused children and adults. Even though Billye is a social worker, she has served clients of abuse and trauma in many different capacities over the years. Billye incorporates into all of her work her knowledge and experience in the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse and in developing trauma-informed programs. She has educated therapists, students, parents, teachers, child welfare staff, attorneys, social workers, and many others about child sexual abuse. In her mission to educate and empower people to prevent and address child sexual abuse, Billye has participated in panel discussions, been interviewed in newspapers and on radio and television, and appeared in the documentary.  



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December 13th, 2024 from 12:00 PM to  1:00 PM
Event Fee(s)
NASW-NYS or NASW-NYC Member $10.00
NASW Other Chapter Member $20.00
Non-Member $25.00
NASW-NYS Student and Transitional Member $0.00
Information for Certificates
Instruction Method Live Webinar
Total Contact Hours/CEUs Awarded